• شركة
  • المنتجات
  • الكتالوجات
  • الأخبار
  • الأحداث
  • المشاريع
  • الوظائف
  • العقارات
من نحن

تتمثل مهمة إيهاف في أن تظل رائدة معترف بها في تقديم خدمات هندسية وإدارية ومعمارية احترافية رائدة من المفهوم إلى الانتهاء من أجل حلول فعالة من حيث التكلفة. نحن ملتزمون بتقديم حلول أخلاقية للابتكار والإبداع وعالية الجودة لدعم متطلبات عملائنا ، مع الحفاظ على بيئة عمل مليئة بالتحديات ومجزية لأعظم أصولنا ، المتخصصين في إيهاف. جوهر فلسفتنا هو الاحتراف ، وتوقع المواقف العالمية باستخدام المواهب والخبرة. يتم دمج هذه الفلسفة من خلال مناهج ديناميكية مختلفة تستفيد من موارد المشاريع لتقديم أفضل المنتجات في الوقت المحدد والميزانية والمصممة وفقًا للاحتياجات المحددة. من خلال تفانيها ومشاريعها الرائعة ، اكتسبت إيهاف سمعتها ليس فقط من الناحية الوظيفية ولكن أيضًا من الناحية الاقتصادية والبصرية.

قيم الشركة

INNOVATION We want to impress positively our clients. We believe anything is worth doing - from customer service , to strategy or design, should possess Innovative concepts CLIENT CARE Care for our client : Client satisfaction is core of EHAF's business . We are completely dedicated to provide exceptional service. quality and client experience. Our target is to help our clients relize their dreams and opes is memorable projects that last the test of time .We pride ourselves on our ability to systain long lasting partnerships and repeat clients COMMUNAL RESPONSIBLE Communal responsibility to our community at EHAF we have strong commitment towards the flobal community as well as the local. We believe the community outreach is an obigation and responsibilty. This investment is local community has been a guiding principle INTEGRITY Embrace openness, transparency, and Integrity:. We believe that professional ethics of our team, systems of policies, procedures, and operational tools are critical for delivering timely, quality , and efficient service. Integrity representing facts and capabilities honestly . It also involves observing one's actions from both the ethical and professional perspectives. DRIVE CHANGE My Project Name ehaf Embrace and drive change . We are always thinking of ways to change processes, perspectives and opinions, hopefully for the better. We enjoy challenges, and we enjoy growing and changing for the better. PASSION Be passionate and determined. the firm's growth is mostly due to its passion for the industry , the clients, and the company's culture. We believe strongly our actions, when and where we affect them . Our enthusiasm not only is reflected through attitydes and work, but most importantly, stems from our belief in the nobility of our mission, clarity of purpose , time, talent and financial resources. OPEN MINDED Be resourceful and open minded. Innovations stems from openness and critical thinkings. there for , we encourage our staff to think out of the box and weight our alternaltives on a fine scale to serve the profession, the clients and the firm CONTUNUOUS KNOWLEDGE Pursue growth and knowledge. EHAF has never stoped learning and growing. We don't want anyone to feel stuck in a rut, and are constantly looking for ways to challenge ourselves to learn. Growing and Pushing the boundaries of what we think we can do .

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