Sika AnchorFix®-3001 600ml
HIGH PERFORMANCE, PROFESSIONAL EPOXY ANCHORING ADHESIVE DESCRIPTION Solvent-free, thixotropic, 2-component, epoxy resin-based high-performance anchoring adhesive for threaded rods and reinforcing bars in both cracked and uncracked concrete. USESSika AnchorFix®-3001 600ml
Sika AnchorFix®-3001 may only be used by experienced professionals For the fixing of non-expanding anchors in the following Structural work Rebar/steel reinforcement anchoring in new and refurbishment works.
Threaded rods
Bolts and special fastening / fixing systems
Metalwork, carpentry
Fixing of handrails, balustrades, and supports
Fixing of railings
Fixing of window and door frames
In the following substrates
Concrete (cracked and un-cracked)
Hollow and solid masonry
Hard natural and reconstituted stone
Solid rock