Blanket resists temperature as high as 2300º. This material is lightweight and has very low thermal conductivity, excellent handling strength, low heat storage, thermal shock resistance, and corrosion resistance (commonly used acid and alkali). It also provides excellent sound absorption and excellent fire protection. (Available in different thicknesses & density) TYPICAL APPLICATIONS • Repair, insulation, and linings for furnaces, kilns, generators, reformers, boilers, etc. CALCIUM SILICATE Non-asbestos insulation board and pipe insulation feature with lightweight, low thermal conductivity, high temperature, and chemical resistance. Calcium Silicate is a rigid, high-density material used for high-temperature applications ranging 250 off (121)CERAMIC FIBER-Blanket
• Insulation for steam and gas turbines, and other high-temperature equipment
• Insulation for nuclear applications and power plants
• High-temperature pipe insulation, casting mold insulation, etc.
• High-temperature seals and gaskets, furnace door seals, expansion joint seals
• Fire protective insulation or linings
• High-temperature filtration